Friday, March 28, 2008

End Game Schedule

Good class as usual my anthros: all tattoos will be revealed at the final pot luck lunch (either visually or in words).

Tuesday (April 1): Class canceled for Preceptorial advising

I will be in my office from 10-12, then I have a SOCY/ANTH Faculty Program meeting for an hour, and then, back in my office at 1 or so (if you are coming by, let me know).

Thursday (April 3): BRUNCH WITH THE ANTHROPOLOGIST: 10:30 G-Wing Cafeteria
A rare opportunity to have brunch with an anthropologist who will answer all of life's burning questions.


Tuesday, April 8: Working Groups 1 and 2 (TO DISCUSS SECTION 1: "I am..." etc. Subcategories for each informant required:

Working Group 1 (10:30): Gina Roseboro, Beth R., Tim, Danielle, Jinnie
Working Group 2 (11:30): Kelly, Katherine Quick, Lauren H., Elizabeth M., Gina Maguire, Jasmina

Thursday, April 10: Working Groups 3 and 4 (TO DISCUSS SECTION 1: "I am..." etc. Subcategories for each informant required:

Working Group 3: (10:30): Gaye, Devon, Sarah, Toni, Laurie V., Jennifer, Katrina
Working Group 4: (11:30): Kait, Cassandra, Kari, Rachel, Kia

Tuesday, April 15: Working Groups 1 and 2 (TO DISCUSS SECTION 2: Subcategories required:

Working Group 1 (10:30): Gina Roseboro, Beth R., Tim, Danielle, Jinnie
Working Group 2 (11:30): Kelly, Katherine Quick, Lauren H., Elizabeth M., Gina Maguire, Jasmina

Thursday, April 17: Working Groups 3 and 4 (TO DISCUSS SECTION 2: Subcategories required:

Working Group 3: (10:30): Gaye, Devon, Sarah, Toni, Laurie V., Jennifer, Katrina
Working Group 4: (11:30): Kait, Cassandra, Kari, Rachel, Kia

Tuesday: April 22: Full class to go over Working group discussions, and to schedule individual office appointments with me.

Tuesday May 6: Final Class, Pot Luck Lunch, selected, brief summaries of final sections (Full papers due on Turnitin).


Katrina said...

Hi. I am confused. I couldn't make it to class... So, a real anthropologist is coming for like a discussion/lecture in the G-wing cafeteria? is this a Mandatory thing?

and... what working group do I belong to? THanks

Professor Rubenstein said...

Yeah, his name is Professor Rubenstein!

And call me Tuesday around 11 in my office to find out your WG. 652.4360

Professor Rubenstein said...

Yeah, his name is Professor Rubenstein!

And call me Tuesday around 11 in my office to find out your WG. 652.4360

Katrina said...

AHhh I did not see this comment til now. Do you still want me to call you? You could just e-mail me if it is easier because I will be at work until 4:30... Let me know

Professor Rubenstein said...

email me katrina with your ideas for section 2, and I'll put you in a working group for next week.

Professor Rubenstein said...

email me katrina with your ideas for section 2, and I'll put you in a working group for next week.